Hutchinson Hall is another building I had never stepped foot in before until today. Back in the day, it used to be the women’s gym in the pre-IMA and pre-gender equality days. Now it houses the drama department, which has its own, albeit small, library. Supposedly there is a swimming pool in here from back in the days of it being a gym. If there is or not, there certainly was one at some point in time because part of the building has a hallway lined in those mini tiles that are typically found in the hallways between the locker room and swimming pool in a multitude of exercising facilities. In the case of Hutchinson, these hallways lead not to tile-lined depressions filled with chlorinated water, but rather, faculty offices.
The men’s bathroom is located at the very beginning of this tiled hallway and you can tell that the building was modified at some point in time to accommodate restrooms for the male gender, since there wasn’t any use for one back in the day. That would be super weird to be in a building where there would be no bathrooms to cater to your gender, since that was totally the case for a lot of buildings and places not even 100 years ago. Weird. Regardless, my bowels are certainly thankful today that we have moved past the whole gender inequality thing.
Long story short, this bathroom kicks all kinds of ass. It starts off with an automated light system, a feature particularly useful when you really have to pee but are carrying heavy things in both your hands. There’s only one stall, which I think works for the building because it seems to be pretty underused compared to other buildings on campus, and one urinal. The whole thing was spotless and was devoid of bathroom-associated olfactory features.
In addition to finding a super clutch bathroom, today I encountered a UW Bathrooms first: a shower. In a room the size of the bathroom area there’s a little shower stall in the corner. This certainly was a remnant of the women’s-only gym days and I’m not really sure who would use it in the present day, but I’m positive that somebody regularly puts it to good use. You’d for sure make up an excuse to use the bathroom shower if you went to that building often enough.
Since there is a shower in the room and the floor and walls are lined with tile, there’s a little drain in the middle of the room. This implies that you could pee all over the floor and wall and it’ll just get washed down the drain when you rinse off the surfaces with the shower. People have undoubtedly done this, perhaps in a time of desperation, or perhaps for recreation. People get off to those kinds of things, you know. Did the thought of someone doing exactly that in an exercise of their free will affect my perceptions of this bathroom? Of course not. When you find a bathroom as awesome as this one you’ll easily overlook the minor imperfections.